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K-cup, keurig brewers and its recyclable issues

Coffee capsule is convenient but it raises recycling issues!

K-cup is a very popular and also controversial kind of method of drinking coffee in America and some other countries preferring using coffee brewer for making coffee. It is considered as the very convenient and time-saving way to brew coffee at both home and coffee chains. It can offer individual coffee taste for many people at the same time.

What is a cup of K-cup?

K-cup is a product invented by Keurig Green Mountain – an American coffee brewer manufacturer. It is called single-serving coffee brewing machine. It is basically a self-container brewing system for coffee, tea, hot chocolate and some other beverages, using along with Keurig brewers.

The K-cup can be understood as a small-sized plastic cup that is about two inches high which is held inside the top of Keurig machine. It contains ground coffee of different blends and each K-cup is a different coffee flavor which can fit single preference.

A single-serve coffee cup is also called coffee capsule. Like other capsules such as K-cup is a coffee capsule as well. A capsule has a standard amount of 7 gram of coffee powder inside. It can be made with plastic or stainless steel and ca be disposable or indisposable.

How does a K-cup work?

A K-cup includes three layers. The outside layer is made of plastic and designed to prevent moisture and air from entering the inside coffee (against oxidation); the inside is designed as a coffee filter where ground coffee powder is kept. The top of it is covered by a foil lid.

When putting the K-cup into a coffee brewer, it will punch a hole through the top and the bottom of K-cup. Then the machine will force hot water going through the K-cup and ground coffee can be absorbed into the water and this hot water will extract soluble substances of the powder including coffee taste and aroma. This brewed coffee runs out of the bottom of K-cup and pours into a coffee mug underneath.

The whole process is automatic, which is very fast in speed and convenient. A K-cup can hold coffee flavors in each of its cup. And they also are able to filter your coffee. The only thing you need to do is loading up water and place a K-cup into the machine brewer, and then push the start button on the top of the machine to start brewing your coffee. A metallic tube in the machine will poke a hole into the K-cup to let pressurized water run through coffee ground in the cup. When the machine determines your coffee is done, it will poke another hole at the bottom of K-cup to let coffee liquid run out.

K-cup is an excellent invention that brings convenience and personal preferences to coffee drinkers. With a little cup to be put inside the Keurig machine, you can have your favorite cup of coffee and so does everyone within a minute. The K-cup is perfect both at home kitchen and at working places where everyone can enjoy their own style of drinking coffee with just about one minute.

K cups and its recent controversy.

Because K-cup is made of plastic and it cannot be recycled, many people claims that it is unsafe product for environment. Besides, K-cup is designed for only making one cup of coffee at a time. It means there are a huge number of K-cups will be throw away after one time usage and cannot be reusable.

assorted-color container lot

K-cup is an amazing idea that can change the way of making coffee. It is an ingenious product of Keurig which helps you to have a coffee beverage anytime you want.

To sum up, K cups is an amazing invention to help coffee lovers worldwide have a perfect cup of coffee within a minute. With a fixed amount of coffee powder inside the capsule, a Keurig brewer can process a cup of espresso with a same and consistent quality and taste. K cups also offers a wide range of coffee choices with different tastes and blendings and; thus, coffee drinks will have more preferences on choosing their beloved cups of coffee. Although, K cups have already sold worldwide at a very high volume, it is having some controversial debates among customers and environmentalists againts the cup’s friendliness to natural environments.

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K-cup, keurig brewers and its recyclable issues
Quyen Nguyen Van December 3, 2024
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